Concept • Design • Photo manipulation • Retouching • Artworking • Copywriting

I created 26 different themed stop motion animation children's workshops. This is how I designed visuals for a space themed one.
To appeal to children and differentiate the workshop from how space is taught in schools, my mind went to adventure and fantasy. I wanted the visuals to transport viewers into vivid worlds of limitless imagination.
My first thought was the steampunk aesthetic of Space Mountain at Disneyland Paris. I also looked to atompunk as some of the puppets and props I designed for the workshop's activities had a retro aesthetic. An added bonus was that this design style might also appeal to parents. I took inspiration from 1950s comics for their composition and dynamic perspective angles.

I decided on the title 'Journey Into Space' as it invokes atompunk and invites you to take part in an immersive experience. The inclusion and placement of the words 'stop motion animation' will suggest an exploration of this too.
I started sketching out a composition and considering components such as colour palettes and typefaces, ensuring they harmonised with brand identity and made the logo sing.

I mixed 2D and 3D elements in the poster to suggest the range of stop motion activities at the workshop. Here are my final designs for an A3 poster & double-sided A6 flyer:

Here are some of the assets I created for social media to share the puppets, props and animations I created for the workshop. In photos such as one with the children holding the model they had made (top row, centre), I made subtle adjustments to colour grade clothing to fit with the overall palette. In the photo of me (second row, end), I added the same background from the main advertising poster for continuity.

In addition to in-person workshops, I also created a space themed digital activity kit which I made available to purchase and download from StopMoGo's shop.
The decision to change the font for the 'Journey into Space' title on the cover was so that it aligns with the other activity kits I created.